7capture is a simple screen capture tool that allows you to take screenshots of your entire screen or a window very easily. The program is very small and simple and allows you to make captures from the system tray, using the main window buttons or using the Print screen key. Once you make the capture, you can view it in the built-in previewer and you will be able to save it as png, jpg, jpeg, gif, bmp, and pdf, or copy it to the clipboard, but you won't be able to edit it or print it from within the program. It would also be great if it allowed you to use more modes of captures such as free-hand, shapes, region styles and if you could set it to automatically save screenshots in a certain format and to a specific location without having to do it every time you make a screenshot.
In short, 7capture is a very simple and limited screen capturer, which I think can only be useful if you take screenshots once in a while, but not if you do use it daily since it lacks many important features that you will surely find in other free similar applications.